Level 1 – Unity Conclusions

Executive Summary 

Does Biblical Unity Require Us To Agree To Disagree?

The church needs to be very careful whenever it considers the possibility that someone has sinned, or that a particular act is sinful. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). God never calls us to condemn others, rather, He calls us to build each other up (I Thess. 5:11).

Unity among Christians is surely a very important matter in the Bible. John 17 and Psalm 133 are two examples of this.  

As a result of discussions of same-sex marriage a strong appeal for unity came up. These pages are set up for the purpose of openly discussing this topic. 

The Bible does place a very heavy emphasis on unity among Christians. However, it also places a heavy emphasis on morality. Key to the case made here for unity is its claim concerning alternative interpretations of Scripture on this topic.  



I Corinthians 5:9-13 – unity is certainly very important. This passage, and others, teach us that maintaining morality is also a very high priority in God’s eyes. Sometimes that requires us to separate, even from other Christians. Therefore, unity is not the final word.

Romans 1 – all same-sex erotic acts are prohibited. The emphasis on unity that is presented in these pages is dependent on there being viable alternative interpretations of Scripture which conclude that monogamous, faithful same-sex marriages are acceptable before God. However, upon examination, those interpretations as presented, are in fact not viable. Therefore, to allow this diversity, to agree to disagree, would be to permit serious error to exist in the church.


This second passage carries the meaning that a male is not to have sexual intercourse with another male and that those who practice such acts are sinning before God and as such are separated from Him. 

To review more of the detail behind this conclusion you are invited to visit Level 4 below. To review how this conclusion was drawn from the arguments presented and relevant Bible passages see Levels 2 and 3.

Level 2 Prominent Explanations

Level 3 Explanations Deemed Biblical

Level 4 All Current Explanations

Same-Sex Marriage and Unity Introductory Page