Inclusivity Is Required

Level 4



In Overture 27 Classis Toronto makes the following statement as it advises against the acceptance of the Human Sexuality Report which is coming before the CRC Synod in 2022:

I. Overture
Classis Toronto overtures synod not to accede to recommendations B, D, and E of the report of the Committee to Articulate a Foundation-Laying Biblical Theology of Human Sexuality, because the report includes neither the voices of the LGBTQ+ community who are living in committed monogamous relationships nor those of cisgender members who hold differing biblical views regarding human sexuality. We disagree that the “heart of the gospel is the call to repentance and faith” (p. 147) but rather that love and grace are centered as the heart of the gospel.

  1. The report, rather than offering relevant, life-affirming discourse on sexuality, further alienates, disregards, and condemns LGBTQ+ persons in its continued refusal to center the voices of those who are not called to celibacy and are seeking, or are committedly living in, monogamous relationships.
  2. The report is lacking in the grace and inclusivity of a creator God from whom we have never been separated. (Page 450.)



In referring to, “. . . the voices of the LGBTQ+ community who are living in committed monogamous relationships nor those of cisgender members who hold differing biblical views regarding human sexuality . . .” the overture assumes the conclusion. It takes the position that same-sex marriage is good and the Human Sexuality Report should support it. Isn’t that the question at stake?

Another important statement to note is, “We disagree that the ‘heart of the gospel is the call to repentance and faith’ (p. 147) but rather that love and grace are centered as the heart of the gospel.” Classis Toronto’s position in this connection is further elucidated by the following comment, “The report is lacking in the grace and inclusivity of a creator God from whom we have never been separated.” How can it be claimed that we have never been separated from God? Romans 3:23: “. . . for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God . . .” Ephesians 2:12, “. . . remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.”

To say that we have never been separated from God, is that one of those theological matters of minutia, or, in reality, is it actually preaching a different gospel (Galatians 1:6-10)? Should this kind of theology be embraced or rejected?

This statement endorses same-sex marriages, but it does not provide biblical reasons for doing so. As such it is nothing more than a statement of opinion.

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