Overture 20: Careful Deliberation Is Still Required

Statement For Overture 20 – We Need To Delay So More Studying Can Be Done


Statement: Key Points Require Further Study

One of the points the Overture makes several times is that more deliberation is still required. These points (with the numbering from the main list) are listed here:

5. Careful deliberation still required (page 400)

9. Faithful and respected scholars hold those views (page 402).  On page 411 twice these views are stated to be credible.

12. A careful, in-depth exploration of biblical and theological foundations for alternate viewpoints that favor the celebration of gender/sexual minorities and same-sex marriage (page 411).   



Let’s make use of the days from now until June of 2022 to bring out the best biblical evidence in favor of same-sex marriage. One of the recommendations of Overture 20 is that the CRC needs to appoint another committee to delve more deeply into this matter of human sexuality. The next twelve months in front of us comprise a very good opportunity to demonstrate the existence of that need. It can start by bringing forward the best evidence from the Bible which supports the legitimacy of committed, monogamous, same-sex marriage (or perhaps another form of same-sex marriage if that would be more appropriate). Or, if more convincing evidence exists in the findings of science, that is fine, too.

What will be the first evidence brought forward in support of same-sex marriage?



If no reasons for same-sex marriage are brought forward, what conclusion can one draw? Is there a need to delay acceptance of the Human Sexuality Report? If there is no discussion of reasons for same-sex marriage, then the only reasons to be considered are those the Report provides in its support of marriage being between one man and one woman. These invitations to discuss the topic go out to a broad audience. They go out to over 3,500 pastors in the RCA and the CRC. If that audience has no reasons for same-sex marriage then why would there be any reason to delay so that more studying can be done?   

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