HSR Lacks Pastoral Advice


by Dr. Steve Timmermans

Statements Against Heterosexual Marriages Only


Timmermans states that the current report does not serve the church. He refers to Smedes in this connection. We are back to focusing on wall building. It is clear the report did not fill its assignment. Read mandate. Notice – to serve the church with pastoral, ecclesial and missional guidance.

Clearly the report does not provide pastoral advice. The church seeks to be missional. 2016 we came up short in stepping into the realm of being pastoral. The Majority report advised participating in same-sex weddings and membership. It advocated including these people in communion, discipling and other activities.


As is linked on the other three pages in this group, there are certain significant aspects that seem to be encountered quite frequently. Click here to review that page.

Why does Timmermans conclude the report does not serve the church? He states that to be the case, but he doesn’t really show how that is true. On pages 119-120 of the report we read the following:

  1. Only when we have become comfortable in close relationships with people who are attracted to the same sex, both inside and outside of the church, will we be able to minister faithfully to people. We should continually be seeking to establish and foster relationships with people who are different from us in our neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, and recreational settings. Our primary goal in these interactions should not be to change their behavior but to love and serve them as befits followers of Christ. Just as you would not expect to offer unsolicited biblical advice to a colleague living with her boyfriend or your soccer teammate who gambles on the weekend, so you should not expect to do so with an unchurched gay neighbor or acquaintance. Such familiarity requires trust and respect, and building trust and respect takes time.

Isn’t this pastoral advice? Yet, Timmermans states “Clearly the report does not provide pastoral advice.” Is this evaluation of the report objective? Timmermans speaks of the Majority Report of 2016 and says, “It advocated same-sex attracted people participate in communion, discipling and other activities.” It seems implied in his comments that being pastoral can only be done when one fully accepts the behavior of homosexuality. The first question in front of us is, is homosexuality sin? Can the church only be pastoral when it fully accepts any and all actions that might be sinful?

Yes, the church must be missional. And members of the church are also called from many passages in the Bible to live holy and moral lives. How does Timmermans see moral living as relating to his views above?

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