Consumed Indicates Not Excessive

Level 4


Statement: “Consumed” Indicates Mutual Love, Not Excessive Acts

One of the four key words James Brownson points to in his claim that Romans 1 only prohibits excessive acts is the word “consumed” in verse 27. Love and sexual appetites often are accompanied by passion. It is very difficult to see these terms as indicating that the central, the main emphasis, according to Dr. Brownson, in fact the only emphasis of these verses is on excessive self-destructive acts. On the other hand, the text says they burned with their yearning (ορεξει) for one another (reference verse 27c). The passage does not say they burned with their desires for greater pleasure. That is what Brownson says it means. This passage is objecting to the fact that they were passionate about other men. They were in love with, they were passionate “for one another.” These words very specifically identify the fact that it was a mutual love. Yet, J. Brownson says it was not mutual. When Dr. Brownson advocates the church accept same-sex relationships, he is advocating what this passage explicitly prohibits. Self-destructive excess and out-of-control desire are very blurred, very gray. But, this passage does clearly teach that the men mutually loved one another. And that was wrong. Brownson ignores the phrase “for one another” which is more specific, it is clearer than consumed is excessive.


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