Pathe And Non-Biblical Definitions

Level 4


Statement: Pathe and Non-Biblical Sources Of Definitions

There is a separate error in Dr. Brownson’s treatment of the Greek word pathe that is also very serious in nature. Dr. Brownson turns primarily to sources outside the Bible when he arrives at the definition of excessive. The Bible often did not use certain words the same way the Greek culture did at that time. A very important rule for understanding the Bible is to determine how it uses words. As covered in the page introducing these four terms there are four separate phrases in Romans 1 which very clearly point to erotic same-sex acts. The term pathe is very general in nature, while those four phrases are very specific. Because those four phrases clearly define what kind of passions Paul is referring to, we do not need to turn to Zeno or other Greek authors to find out what he meant by the term pathe.


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