The Words Females and Males

Level 4


Statement: The Words Females and Males

Contrary to what most English translations have, Paul did not use the words “women” and “men” in verses 26 and 27. Rather, a better translation would be “For their females exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females . . .”

The use of terms that specifically speak of their gender highlights the fact that Paul is concerned here about something that has to do with their gender. You can say something about women that has nothing to do with their gender. But it is very difficult, if not impossible to say something about a female that has nothing to do with their gender. Doing something in an excessive manner, as J. Brownson holds, does not necessarily have anything to do with gender. But dealing with exchanging heterosexuality for homosexuality does require dealing with people at the level of their gender. If excess was Paul’s sole concern, as Dr. Brownson holds, he would more than likely have used more general terms like “women” and “men” or even perhaps more likely, “people.” The fact that he uses very specific terms takes the focus off a general aspect like excess and focusses on something more specific. If Paul’s concern here was the matter of excessive or self-seeking behavior, that would be addressed at the level of humans. It does not require consideration of humans as females and males.

J. Brownson doesn’t deal with the fact that the terms females and males are used in these verses. These are key facts involving key terms in the passage and he should have covered this.


Those advocating same-sex marriage are welcome to submit a response to this statement.

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