Same-Sex Marriage & Unity

Same-Sex Marriage:

Does The Biblical Call For Unity Mean We

Must Stay United, Agreeing To Disagree?

Same-sex marriage is an increasingly significant topic in the Christian church today, with a variety of opposing views. Some maintain that Christ’s call for unity in John 17 means that even if we disagree we must remain in fellowship. As long as others agree to key standards of biblical teaching and strive conscientiously to determine what is right, we must remain in fellowship with them.

Others maintain that passages such as I Corinthians 5 teach us to be diligent in determining the morality of certain acts, believing that we need to separate from those who have committed immoral acts and who do not repent of them. This includes separating from fellow Christians until there is repentance shown.


A Caution Concerning the Correct Use of the Word of God


An Explanation of the Pyramid Format Used Below

The material presented here is divided by the amount of information contained in each level, to allow you to choose how deeply you want to delve into the subject.

The base of the pyramid, Level 4, is a growing number of explanations various people have offered, with a look at each of them in the light of Scripture.

Level 3 contains those explanations that, as far as can be discerned here, are true according to the Bible.

Level 2 then contains the most prominent explanations out of the biblical material in Level 3.

Level 1, the top of the pyramid, contains the conclusions of the material studied in the lower 3 levels.

You can choose the overview of the subject or delve as deeply as you wish depending where on the pyramid you decide to start!


Click on the links shown in the pyramid in order to visit each of the levels of material. The links below will take you to discussions in varying depths about these two opposing views.