Concerning Abuse Only

.Level 4



A number of progressive theologians claim that the meanings of two key Greek terms used in the vice lists of I Corinthians 6:9-10 and I Timothy 1:8-11 are not clear in their meaning. From there they often proceed to conclude that the Bible only prohibits abusive relationships.

David Gushee, for example, asserts: “Very high-level scholarly uncertainty about the meaning and translation of these two Greek words . . . undermines claims to the conclusiveness of malakoi and arsenokoitai for resolving the LGBT issue.” (David P. Gushee, Changing Our Mind (Canton, Mich.: David Crumm Media, 2015), p. 79.)



The following is a quote from the report to the CRC synod (pages 102-106). The report can be found here.

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First, if Paul had in view only exploitative same-sex relationships like pederasty, he could have easily made this clear by using any one of several Greek words that refer specifically to pederasty. For example, there is the word paiderastês, from which we get the English word “pederast.” Another good word choice to make this point would be the word-pair erastês (older man) and erõmenos (younger man).

. . . there is the Old Testament allusion to Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 in Paul’s use of the special word arsenokoitai in both 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10. This word is unique because the apostle is the first person known to have used it. In other words, there are no known occurrences of the word arsenokoitai before Paul’s use of it in two of his letters. This means that either it was a recently coined word or, as most scholars assume, Paul himself created it on the basis of the Greek translation (Septuagint) of Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13.

This special word, arsenokoitai, is a compound term made up of two parts: arsên, which means “male,” and koitê, which literally means “bed” but euphemistically refers to sexual acts that take place on a bed. On the basis of these two parts, the standard academic Greek lexicon defines the singular form arsenokoitës as “a male who engages in sexual activity with a person of his own sex.” Even the person who does not know Greek can easily see how the two parts of the compound word arsenokoitês comes from the Greek translation (Septuagint) of Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13:

Leviticus 18:22 kai meta arsenos ou koimêthêsê koitên gynaikos

                “And with a male you shall not sleep as with a woman”

Leviticus 20:13 kai hos an koimêthê meta arsenos koitên gynaikos

                 “And whoever will sleep with a male as with a woman”

Why is it significant that the special word Paul uses in two key texts dealing with homosexual activity comes from Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13? Since these Old Testament texts deal with all types of same-sex acts, not just exploitative ones like pederasty and prostitution (note Lev. 20:13 which explicitly states, “both of them have done what is detestable”), Paul’s use of this word indicates that he is thinking of the Mosaic law in which any kind of sexual relationship between two males is forbidden. In fact, in 1 Timothy 1:8-9, just before he mentions arsenokoitai, Paul refers twice to the “law,” suggesting yet again that he has the Old Testament comprehensive prohibition of homosexual intercourse in view.

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Marriage is a very important concept. Whether one is for same-sex marriage or not, either way, marriage must be seen as crucial. Is it reasonable, according to Gushee’s position above, to think that the Spirit would not make it clear what the correct nature of marriage is? If those two terms are not clear, then Gushee needs to show that the terms do not prohibit all same-sex marriage. It does not help to say there are multiple views, and it is not clear what the words mean. Gushee needs to show what those words mean.

The exegesis above is significant evidence in favor of the understanding that the Bible does prohibit all same-sex erotic acts.   

2 replies on “Concerning Abuse Only”

Thank you, Herb, for your faithfulness and scholarly responses to this controversial subject. I’m amazed how much effort ” theologians” are exerting to get around the clear teaching of Scripture. The Bible makes it very clear that marriage between a man and woman is God’ s design, He created it not only for man and woman to have companionship but also for children. Marriage is sacred and must be kept in that high regard!

Next to David Gushee’s discussion on several Greek words, one is well-served by reading also the thorough discussion on this entire issue of homosexuality in Robert A. J. Gagnon’s book, “The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics,” Abingdon Press, Nashville, 2001. This is a must reading, as it looks at this particular issue from God’s perspective rather than from man’s perspective that seems to elevate love for men above love for God and His Word. From personal experience, and following developments concerning the issue of homosexuality in the PKN (Protestant Kerk Nederland) in the 1980s, I feel the need to share with readers that the CRCNA and RCA are moving in the same direction as previously took place in the Netherlands and the rest of Western Europe. This direction leads to sliding down the slippery slope of disintegration. One may read also the Dutch-language book, “De theologen gingen voorop: eenvoudig verhaal van de ontmanteling van de Gereformeerde Kerken“, translated: “The Theologians took the lead: a simple story of the dismantling of the Reformed Churches,” Kampen, Kok, 1987. In order to have a realistic understanding why we are having this discussion at all is to understand the world in which we work and serve God. Such understanding comes by reading, e.g. the following 3 (small) books entitled, “How The Specter of Communism Is Ruling the World“, published by THE EPOCH TIMES, 2020. We need to realize how Communism (Marxism), for many years, has a well-worked out plan on how to infiltrate churches resulting in the dismantling of Christianity in Western societies. Look how thousands of churches have closed their doors! A similar dismantling is now taking place in Canada and the USA. This is not fearmongering rhetoric, but a very serious reality to which the Church, especially church leaders, need to wake up to and quickly so. Persecution of the Church in North America has already started! Thus this wake-up call.

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