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Some claim genetics offer insights that must be considered when asking whether or not same-sex marriage should be accepted by the church. The homepage of All.One.Body’s website contains the following statement:

The board of All.One.Body is alarmed and deeply disappointed in the sexuality report to Synod. We are concerned about the impact if Synod votes to approve this report with its narrow and faulty view of biological and behavioral science . . . It is a sad time for the CRCNA that such a blatantly uninformed report would be submitted . . .



This is quite a strong statement, claiming the report before synod is “narrow and faulty” and “blatantly uninformed.” What is All.One.Body doing to help educate the church? Their website offers a number of resources. However, looking around on their website there is no article that offers insights into how the field of genetics brings new insights into this matter. Wouldn’t this be a great time to offer that kind of material?

In 2016 Classis Grand Rapids East produced a report advocating further examination of the matter of same-sex issues. Several times that report makes statements similar to the following:

Some individuals are born anatomically and hormonally intersex, due to chromosomal or genetic factors. Some are transgender, biologically one gender but psychologically identifying with the other gender, involving a variety of neuronal and hormonal factors. The fields of neuroscience, endocrinology, and genetics have discovered some of the factors that influence biological sex and gender identity, but there is still much to learn.

Do statements like this offer insights? It is quite a generalized statement and doesn’t offer any conclusion or recommendation that should suggest new understandings that would affect how we view same-sex marriage. With only statements like this how are we to know that the report is “narrow and faulty” and “blatantly uninformed”?

3 replies on “Genetics”

Discussions and statements that have only one thing in mind, namely channeling the anti-God rhetoric and opinions of radical-liberal opinions, on issues such as LGBTQ, into the Church. Satan, who has been so successful in Europe 30-40-years ago and still has, has apparently received open ears from certain elements in our Church. However, it could be that the Holy Spirit, who helped e.g. the apostle Paul writing so much and so consistently about the entire issue on immorality, that we are almost come to the point to think that God the Holy Spirit, involved in the creation of the first human beings, was not clear, or Paul did not understand Him enough. Yes, I am cynical. Listening to so much rubbish becomes so tiring. How come that many Christians don’t have the courage to stand up for Jesus, the living Word, and the Holy Spirit who became our Counselor. It’s time for many to begin to sense that the world around us is moving away from our triune God and closer into the orbit of Satan, who right now is smiling at another success he has and continues to have according to Scripture. Please read also a Bible book such as written by Jude next to other letters of Paul. So much is written about sliding away from God in the end times. How the world influences the Church so quickly without being realized by so many. We are witnessing that very drama as prophesized a long time ago. Of course, God the Holy Spirit, speaking to Paul and other contributors to the Word of God what was going to happen thereby warning us and to remain strong and steadfast in Christ, our Savior.

When we had a study group on this issue in Classis Hamilton – I recall Romans 1:24 coming up as a potential basis for those who followed after genetic explanations for gender disorientation and attractions. I guess to begin with – does the fall into sin itself at some point reveal itself become so rooted in us that it leads to genetic changes? IF it does — It does not biblically justify complicit behavior toward a particular attraction. That suddenly biological or genetic now changes God’s ordained structure for the family or relationships beyond male and female as justification is fool hardy. But the genetics is a lingering question for me. It would change our response to be more compassionate as the report does actually offer. But at the same time, it does not use this as an okay. It is still forbidden activity. More in the classis mentioned earlier seem to be saying that genetic disposition towards something means it is now okay or at least “less abhorent”
not to follow through?

Parallels to the Romans passage include – Psalm 81:12, Acts 7:42 similar language but restricted to star worship, Ephesians 4:18 speaks that ignorance and refusal is due to the hardening of the heart, 2 Thessalonians 2:11 is the more frightening of texts — That God sends them a powerful delusion to believe in their lies. 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, 10 and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness (2 Th 2:9–12). It frightens me in the sense of is a God sent delusion correctable – can a delusion of this magnitude be reversed? And if so — is there a way we can ultimately tell what are God sent ones over cultural ones? Heavy stuff to ponder and pray on some more. I need to do a lot more study before I reach a genetic conclusion that classis greast has. As far as the delusions — there is the lying spirit in 2 Chronicles 18 and 1 Kings 22

Also – particularly discouraged by these issues this last month or so – especially as it relates to family. Thanks for reminding us of Jude – I came away much better from Jude 17-23.

I so grieve over how the CRC might be opening the door to unbiblical ways of thinking and living.
The issue about whether, maybe, genetically some folks are drawn to sexual practices that the Bible clearly prohibits — allow me to simply state:

I think genetically that I am drawn to be an arsonist. I love fires. If I were not a follower of Jesus, I might well have put into practice my love of fires.

Would any person condone my “genetically prone to be an arsonist” behavior? Not a hard question to answer.

Why then do we even entertain the possibility that we should study and open ourselves to other clearly unbiblical practices?

The Spirit of the living Christ and eternal Father, changes hearts and minds. No longer putting into any practice something that the Bible clearly teaches is contrary to God’s creation.

Oh how I wish, for the sake of the kingdom, for the sake of so many local congregations, and for the sake of the denomination, for the sake of so many wonderful Christians, that the CRC would refuse to go down the roads that led to dead ends.

The CRC at this time in history needs instead to urge, plead, call forth every congregation and every believer to the singular point found throughout Scripture. I give you just one text to highlight the mission of the church in the world: Jesus prayer in John 17 “As the Father has sent me into the world, I am sending you into the world.” To do what? Tell, broadcast, shape life, by the only grand news: Jesus Christ is the only saving Lord.

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